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Free to Achieve


Early Years Foundation Stage

At Roding Primary School we want all of our Early Years pupils to find school a joyous experience – enabling them to be happy, confident, well-rounded individuals who have a love of learning and exploring.

We provide all our pupils with a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment, both inside and out, that builds on individual wants, needs and interests.

Children will have the opportunity to learn through play. Learning will be fun, engaging and challenging. Adults will provide high quality interactions to develop and deepen learning opportunities. Adults are role models for children and their learning. We are inclusive, and we deliver our curriculum through a balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities.

By the end of Reception, our pupils are ready to move into Key Stage 1. This includes pupils becoming increasingly resilient – understanding that we learn from our mistakes; knowing how to be a kind friend and being able to sustain focus on an activity which interests them.

We are committed to giving our children the best possible start to their school life, teaching them holistic life skills which ensures their well-being now, and success in the future.